Dawn is a writer of flash fiction, short stories, and novels. Her work has been nominated twice for The Pushcart Prize, nominated for Best Small Fictions, and selected for Best Microfiction 2024 and 2025. She is the 2024 winner of the Toronto Star Short Story Contest and the winner of The Forge Literary Magazine‘s Flash Fiction contest 2024.

In addition to writing, Dawn is a visual artist and holds B.A. (English) and B.Ed. degrees from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. As a certified Teacher of the Deaf, she’s taught students who are Deaf for more than twenty years.
Born in France, she grew up primarily in Kingston, Ontario. Currently, she lives and writes in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada with her writing helper, Maizie the Goldendoodle.
She is represented by literary agent Joanna Rasheed at Ultra Literary Agency in New York.
Dawn is a proud member of The Writers Union of Canada and the Canadian Authors Association.